Succession ensures continuity for the company’s success
After 41 years – 27 of them as owner - Jörg Vogler President of Zeutschel said goodbye to the company on July 01 and handed it over to his successors Markus Wagner and Christian Hohendorf. As CEOs and new owners of Zeutschel GmbH, they will continue to run the company.

Digitization of the highest quality: A success story worldwide
Initially started as sales manager to drive the internationalization of the company, Vogler can look back on his impressive lifetime achievement with more than satisfaction.
Always following the claim of “Perfect Scanning”, the company under his leadership has become the innovation driver of its industry and the world market leader in the field of overhead scanners and microfilm technology.
Cultural heritage documents require high quality digitization – a challenge that Zeutschel has taken on since the very beginning, has always been a drive for top performance, and today continues to shape the motto “Cultural Heritage is our passion”.
The result of decades of work: Zeutschel scanners regularly set new quality standards in line with internationally recognized quality standards. The precision and brilliance of the digitized images make Zeutschel scanners the first choice/number 1 for customers worldwide.
“Today, we can be proud that Zeutschel scanners are in use in almost all national libraries and national archives worldwide,” says Vogler, and as a result pays special tribute to the partnerships in more than 100 countries worldwide, whose cooperation is to be credited for this success.
With innovative strength for the future: The Zeutschel philosophy will be continued
The successors also want to hold on to the principle of success, innovation by being close to the customer – an important aspect for Vogler to see his lifetime’s achievement continued. “With Markus Wagner, CFO at Zeutschel for more than 10 years, and Christian Hohendorf, CSO for one and a half years, successors have been found who know both the company and the business very well and who have my full trust to continue the success of Zeutschel company.”
He expressed his special thanks to the employees, whose commitment and dedication over many years have made the development of the company possible: “Together we have achieved a great deal. With the innovative strength, the excellent team and the good order situation, the best conditions are in place to continue the Zeutschel success story for the next generations.”