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LNSE trusts Kodak Alaris and ADDIS Technologies to support its development

A family business created in 2000, LNSE specializes in digitization, physical and digital archiving and document management consulting. As part of its development, the company has acquired Kodak Alaris solutions (Kodak i5850s production scanners and Kodak Capture Pro Software), which allow it to process and index large volumes of documents on a daily basis, then to facilitate sorting of them on scan output, on behalf of its customers.

Specialist in document management, LNSE supports its customers in their digitization projects and supports a wide variety of formats and types of documents, ranging from registers to plans, including heritage documents, micro-fiches, micro-forms with also a large part reserved for the processing of A3 or A4 documents. Very quickly, the company had to find solutions to improve its productivity and develop its offer.

LNSE naturally turned to its partner ADDIS Technologies, an expert in dematerialization and document management, who advised it to choose Kodak Alaris solutions and more particularly to equip itself with a scanner with output sorting: the Kodak i5850s model coupled with the intelligent information capture software Kodak Capture Pro. A solution that today allows LNSE to process 60 to 70,000 pages of A4/A3 documents per day and thus meet the needs and requirements of its customers, both in terms of speed, reliability and quality.

20% processing time savings with the i5850s scanner

“The Kodak i5850s scanner responds perfectly to our volume management issues,” says Romain Garaud, sales manager at LNSE. “Since implementing this scanner, we have saved 20% in document preparation time. It is therefore 20% of time that we will be able to allocate, either to prepare more documents or to be able to use this resource for another project or to do indexing afterwards with Kodak Capture Pro. This is a real advantage for us. ”

Of course, this time saving owes nothing to chance. Indeed, the Kodak i5850s scanner combines a multitude of features contributing to valuable time savings: digitization of documents after prior sorting with separator patches, metal detection (staples, etc.) and provision of several output trays (thus avoiding a new post-scanning sorting phase), high image quality, limitation of the size of scanned files... “The Kodak i5850s scanner is easy to use, and with Kodak Capture Pro indexing is already done 70% via the patch and the associated barcode”, adds Philippe Garaud, production director at LNSE.

Capture Pro software at the service of LNSE's agility

If the Kodak i5850s scanner wins all the votes at LNSE, the Kodak Capture Pro Software perfectly completes the solution! “With Kodak Capture Pro, ergonomics are easy,” says Philippe Garaud. “We can multi-task, manage multiple clients, with one software in the same day.”

Particularly easy to use and deploy, Kodak Capture Pro Software has the ability to automatically name and index scanned documents. Quite simply, it is also possible, thanks to the APIs, to make developments around the solution to interconnect it with other business tools. “The Kodak Capture Pro solution allows you to look to the future with peace of mind because it can evolve over time,” adds Philippe Garaud. A real added value, especially since Kodak Capture Pro Software can also be deployed on its own.

“ADDIS Technologies is a value-added distributor, among others in the field of the dematerialization of documents, including heritage documents, and must be an adviser and a quality maker in this expertise activity. Given the history between the two companies, it was natural for us to offer the best of the high-end scanner and its Capture software. The choice of this reference in particular is the combination of several factors, analyzed with LNSE. The Kodak i5850s scanner and the Kodak Capture Pro solution clearly stood out”, says Grégory Laborderie, Managing Director of ADDIS Technologies

Solutions guaranteeing the probative value of documents

In addition to contributing to the productivity of its users, Kodak Alaris solutions respond to image quality issues related to the destruction of documents after scanning, requested by some LNSE customers. To do this, the company uses digitization with probative value. “The general idea is to certify that the digital document is strictly identical and conforms to the original paper that the customer had at home before,” explains Romain Garaud.

3 main steps are necessary for this process:

  • The implementation of a digitization agreement describing the entire process, thus guaranteeing the quality of the service provider's work;

  • The affixing of a timestamp on the digitized documents (signature or unique digital stamp per document), ensuring their authenticity over time;

  • Scanning based on high image quality, so that the digital copy is an identical reproduction of its paper original and has the same legal value.

In this journey, Kodak Alaris occupies an important place, the digitization phase being the gateway to the process. In this regard, the solutions offered by the capture expert have all the functionalities required by the standard: identification of documents, extraction, capture and automatic indexing of data, production of files in PDF/A format and a digital fingerprint, etc. Kodak Alaris solutions are then interconnected with other tools (electronic archiving, in particular) guaranteeing the secure storage of content and its integrity over time. Thus, thanks to the Kodak Alaris solutions and the other tools it has put in place, the LNSE company has been ISO 9001 certified since 2017.

Always closer to Kodak Alaris and ADDIS Technologies

Building on the collaboration with ADDIS Technologies and Kodak Alaris, LNSE intends to continue its growth by relying on the high-performance solutions at its disposal. “The future of our business depends on offering even more complete solutions to our customers. Our added value consists in proposing a personalized solution according to the needs and requirements of the customer, and in reinforcing the various aspects of our offer”, underlines Corinne Garaud, general manager of the company.

“We have been working for many years with LNSE and ADDIS Technologies; expertise and trust have enabled us, together, to quickly develop solutions to better meet the requirements of LNSE customers”, adds Aline Cande-Saponara, Head of Sales France at Kodak Alaris.

“As part of the implementation of this increasingly global offer that is requested by our customers, we intend to rely even more on Kodak Capture Pro to go faster, further. LNSE is a family business, it is a great adventure in which we embark our employees and our customers, and we are counting on Kodak Alaris and our partner ADDIS Technologies to accompany us in the continuation of this adventure”, concludes Corinne Garaud.

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